How to explain characteristics of statistics
How to explain characteristics of statistics

This article " How to explain characteristics of statistics ", will explain the functions of statistics

How to explain characteristics of statistics

Let's start with something very simple thing

The first question that a person asks when they hear the word "Statistics" is how to explain what statisticians do. I would like to tell you that there is no simple explanation. The answer is complicated. Let's start with simple facts. There are different types of statistics, and each type has its own characteristics:

1) Non-parametric stats - the statistical function that allows using the data without knowing exactly what parameter, variables, or other parameters should be observed.

a) Multivariate stats - is concerned with studying multiple groups of factors, and making generalizations across groups. For example, if you want to study the effect of obesity on the amount of calories people eat per day, you will need to ask various questions:

- Are people who want to lose weight or gain weight?

- Is it the level of overweight?

- Can you tell me what kind of diet they currently follow? (obese, fat people, thin people, etc. )

- Do they have any symptoms?

- Will they have any health problems?

- Finally, can you tell me what kind of food they have? (obesity, fatty foods and sweets).

2) Correlation, causation and econometricians - is an interdisciplinary field in which researchers study relationships among or between variables and to achieve goals by establishing cause and effect relationships. Here they often use empirical methods, with data from historical surveys and other sources, to make predictions regarding the future.

3) Regression - is the name given to statistical model used for modeling complex systems such as population distribution, human beings, etc. In order to represent the relationship of two or more variables at different levels, the models often include factors which are correlated at varying levels, such as income, age, sex, race, marital status, etc. When a statistical model is well-designed, one uses these terms interchangeably.

4) Statistic - is a way to describe numbers. But the name statistician does not really capture the meaning. They are just the tool. A good statistic usually works under three conditions. First, they are descriptive, so that we understand what "the statistics" mean. This means that they record the values for some characteristics. Second, they are predictive, so that we know what the values we can expect to have in the future. Then, we can interpret these values and draw conclusions.

How to explain the work of statisticians?

For example, we could say that statisticians are curious persons who study the behavior of their subjects, and try to explain the nature of those behaviors. Let's go back to our example of obesity, and analyze their behavior. We also need to study the economic situation and the lifestyles of people. So, their behaviors must be defined.

In conclusion, statisticians are trying to find facts, patterns and connections. Their job is made up of:

1) Studying populations and making comparisons.

2) Analyzing large amounts of data.

3) Drawing causal relationships and developing causal hypotheses.

4) Creating statistical tests for inference and other statistical techniques.

5) Building causal inferences.

6) Formulating theory and theory of explanations, especially when data do not match theory.

7) Determining causes.

8) Making inferences based on these predictions.

9) Producing estimates and recommendations.

10) Writing papers.

How to describe the work of non-parametric psychologists? 

It’s a term that many statisticians are familiar with. And it is not too difficult to recognize them because of the names. It has another definition depending on the objective you want to accomplish:

2. Nonspecialist - is the term used for someone who studies an area of research and is part of the field. You can find some examples in science and social sciences.

3) Social scientist - is a person who studies humans for research purposes but does not have physical evidence or has no experience with any type of living being or organism.

4) Epidemiologist - is also called the doctor since he treats patients. He follows the same rules of the treatment for every person.

5) Anthropologist - examines all aspects of life. They see how living things work and live, what kinds of organisms are found in certain places, so they try to understand the environment.

6) Physiologist - is the doctor in the world and looks after the health of the whole society.

7) Ecologist - studies ecosystems, animals and plants, they are able to give us information about the development of living things..

8) Biochemist - studies the human body. His work deals with the biochemistry, it includes the production of vitamins, hormones and some medical drugs.

9) Psychologist - is the person who studies psychology.

10) Psychiatrist - is responsible for treating mental disorders with drugs.

11) Psychoanalyst - tries to understand psychological disorders.

12) Geneticist - is interested in the differences between species.

13) Bioethicist - examines ethical issues in medicine.

14) Biological engineer - improves technology that helps the genetic code of living things to be altered in order to stay alive.

15) Econometrics - analyzes the relations between factors and develops new equations between them.

16) Geostatist - analyzes how the world functions.

17) Quantivist - has knowledge of mathematical concepts and theories.

18) Economist - has knowledge of monetary value system.

19) Political economist - analyzes the political system and the government.

What function does statisticians perform?

Let’s talk about the main responsibilities of statisticians, and the roles they have in the world.

1) They collect and analyze data to make research.

2) The statistical methodologies are developed.

3) Statistical findings and results are interpreted and applied to data.

4) Data analysis and modeling is performed.

5) Statistical conclusions and recommendations are made.

6) They propose appropriate measures to be taken.

7) Policy decisions and conclusions are made.

8) They write research reports and publish papers.

9) They are public in education, government affairs, industry, media and government.

10) They contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge.