Top Example of infinite population
Top Example of infinite population
In this article" Top Example of infinite population " we will study about examples of finite and infinite population. 

Top Example of infinite population

Hello, World!

An example of the infinite population — human population can only grow to 1 billion. So what about a human’s population on earth? For that, there is an age limit of 65 years. This age restriction doesn’t exist in plants or animal.

The population for humans on this planet is 2 billion. In our life on Earth, we are not limited by this. The people on Earth are different from us. They don’t have health risks and diseases. Their genes are different. But still, they are humans too. You are not limited to this number but you can never go beyond it because of climate and temperature change. Nowadays, scientists are trying to solve problems such as global warming with using super organisms that can adapt to the changing environment. How do you know about their progress? Because they are working like this. Scientists are researching these organisms every year. And they are now developing new methods to avoid damage to other species. That’s why you can find more than 50 organisms at Kew. That is really nice. So, imagine if you have this organism now on another planet. There is no aging limit. You can live up to another million years. How does that happen? An embryo from your mother’s womb gets transferred into space and grows in some special space environment till it starts its own biological development. Then it makes babies. But how do it works here? How did it get so much advantage over other organism from all over the world? We will take a look to answer from now to infinity.

For that, firstly, let me tell you about my interest in bioinformatics. It is important to understand how information got into your genome. So, I am going to show you a picture. I want you to understand what can we see by looking at it.

In the top picture, you see genetic material (or a piece of DNA) that is long enough to make two copies of itself. When a gene needs to be transcribed into protein, it produces messenger RNA (or mRNA). That RNA contains instructions that tells your body when to produce protein. If you make a mistake, then you can have an error-free gene by modifying those RNA instructions and your body can continue making proteins.

All of the time, there are more than ten thousand genes in our bodies. As long as there are cells, cells can give birth to more than one child. A baby is a kind of microbe that allows a cell to copy itself and grow further. Each cell has a copy of each of the genes in it. Cells cannot die. All the time, there is always a copy of each gene in a person. These cells divide until they have three identical copies of them. Then, the nucleus divides. Here, a daughter cell becomes a single cell and goes to become one more duplicate (sometimes called pluripotent) of her parent. Then she gets fused with a stem cell. A stem cell gives a zygote, which is a baby. From stem, she gets two different daughter cells. One is called blastomere. Each of these cells is called a somatic cell. Another, called telocyte or somatic cell, is the most common form of cell found on mammals. Other types include germ, prophase, pluripotent, plurigenepithelium, placenta and blood cells.

So, you can think of a process of genetic expression. How many times does a gene’s copy itself in a woman? Say, we have 5 copies in us. One copy is in our mothers womb. What happens after we reach puberty? Our immune system creates antibodies against it. Also, they fight off viruses. After that, the antibodies make more molecules that make the other five copies to disappear. That means the immune system clears out the remaining copy of the gene and the body can function normally. What does our body do after puberty? Same thing. Antibodies destroy all the other six copies and the body can work properly. The last part is the “antimalien”. Once they made a person, they need another person to survive and reproduce again. Hence, they create another baby. So, they multiply. By copying your other children, we are creating 10 people.

At the end, the baby is born again. It is very interesting. Let’s repeat this process.

When people hear the term population, the first thing that comes to their mind is population explosion. But there is nothing wrong with this idea. No matter how big the circle is, you have to add a few more dots and make sure that they match with each other, otherwise, those circles look smaller. Similarly, there are several subpopulations that can be added. 

We know how the wealthy live. They have huge houses and expensive cars because of it. Nobody can say the wealth doesn’t exist. The way they are living shows just a little bit about how you can earn the difference between poverty and prosperity. The difference is just a little bit. Poor people who live in big cities have lots of resources. They can even use artificial intelligence. However, that is very little compared to others. They have nobody to teach them. Thus, they learn anything and any of them will be capable of doing something at the end.

So, we can just think the world is full of rich people. But for people who are poor like us, it is not the case. Not many of those people had enough money to pay for a house. Some even can’t even afford air tickets or bus ticket. We all think the same. We didn’t realize it’s that bad. 

But we have to take a deep breath. There are plenty of people who died without proper food in their hands.

To conclude, please, remember that what you think about in terms of population comes from what you feel and what you can do…