What Is Use Of Statistics In Real Life
What Is Use Of Statistics In Real Life

In this article " What Is Use Of Statistics In Real Life ", we will discuss about what is the use of statistics in real life?, Uses of statistics in research, Uses of statistics in different fields

What Is Use OfWhat is the use of statistics in real life? 


Statisticians study how to apply certain techniques, how to evaluate different approaches and how to use them in practice. They are called statisticians because they have a great interest in statistical methods and their results can be used as a basis for understanding human behavior. Today I want to talk about what statisticians do, why they are so interested in human behavior, how they measure and describe human behavior, examples of questions in which they can be applied, how to test hypotheses, the main branches of statistics, and more. Statisticians also work on measuring different aspects in society and in order to understand social interactions. Statistics use various tools like surveys, questionnaires, personal interviews, scientific experiments, machine learning, etc.

We live in a time where data is free on the Internet; it is even easy to find out information about yourself or your loved ones through social media. People are surrounded by this “information” and they seem to think that all the information is true. It is a good thing for example they will tell you that there was an outbreak in an area where people were infected or that there are diseases present in our area at the moment. Also people are constantly changing the information and it’s hard for us to keep track of everything we read. On the other hand with advances in technology, it seems that we can collect more and more data, but we can’t process it and make sense of it. For instance in our lives, when we see someone who has recently moved to another place because he needed to get a divorce, then this person will usually remember places that he visited and things that he did there. But if we see him again after few months or years or something else happens, then this memory would disappear and it will not be possible to do anything.

The main problem with such situation is that nobody knows where to look for such data. Sometimes people will try to search for specific keywords or phrases, especially for those with no previous knowledge, then we can’t really find anything useful and we can’t know whether it is real or not.

So many people are willing to answer some particular questions or to say yes to some generalizations. When we give some kind of survey, we start to ask questions about ourselves and our family, about our friends and their relationships and about our workplace. We are always trying to collect information and try to figure out how things happen. So we can ask questions about some phenomena, such as people’s opinions on certain products, how people feel about certain subjects like their job, or how to deal with difficult situations. These questions are usually connected to quantitative methods, like surveys and questionnaires. To be exact, when we ask these types of questions, we need to decide two questions. Firstly, the topic to be studied. Secondly we need to choose one or several groups we want to measure. Most of the time we prefer to give a sample, but sometimes this is not enough. If you want to see this problem properly, look at the Titanic disaster. Everybody wanted to go and everybody wanted to die on board. It was an excellent example showing the mistakes and errors of statistics.

Another way to improve our ability to solve problems is to ask questions. And here we have already a variety of questions. Some are simple and easy to answer, others can be quite complicated and hard to answer. So we can define some questions we want to study, and then we collect data for this study and then evaluate it in the future. There are a lot of ways we can study our environment. The first ones are very subjective and include everything that we cannot measure, for example our taste, how we experience events and events of the past, feelings, desires, expectations, opinions, our likes and dislikes, our memories or our sensations.

For example we know when and what kind of restaurant we visit but we don’t know exactly how much we like this or that and there is almost no exact science in this field. When we talk about preferences and interests, we have to analyze numerous factors, including our own perception, tastes. We can see data collected from previous studies and try to develop a model. This study cannot be objective, it is subjective. However, we have access to lots of data and a lot of tools so we should be able to obtain this information. Also the next step should be to come up with some answers to the questions and make predictions about the future. What we are going to predict is a new person to meet at university, who is popular. How the same person will behave at home, at school, at play club, at work. All of this is based on the answers we gave in the previous steps. That is why the third group of questions should be designed like this:

A. What kind of student should we expect? Would he respect rules, like his parents or his teachers. A. What habits he practices to remain calm and happy A. Are there any circumstances we can observe that might alter his personality? B. Would he be a friend to everyone at university?

What is difference between qualitative and quantitative measures? 

We prefer to describe characteristics of a phenomenon using a set of numbers instead of words. It is easier to calculate and control the results. We need quantitative measurements when we want to compare two populations. And as an example, we can imagine that maybe we are looking for a new house so we know that we have to get this information in order to compare apples with houses. But we can’t measure the size, or cost, to buy the house.