How do you calculate decile
How do you calculate decile

In this blog "How do you calculate decile" you can learn in detail about decile analysis, decile formula, what is 5 decile, 3rd decile, 4th decile formula, 5th decile, 7th decile, 8th decile.

How Do You Calculate Decile

Decile refers to the nine values that divided the population data into ten equal parts such that each part is representative of 1/10th of the population. In other words, each successive decile corresponds to an increase of 10% points that the 1st decile or D1 has 10% of the observations below it. Then, the 2nd decile, or D2, has 20% of the observations below it, and so on.

Decile Analysis is used to divide a dataset from highest to lowest values or vice versa. The analysis involves dividing the dataset into ten equal groups. Each group should have the same no. of observations.

The decile formula for 3rd decile data using ungroup data. 

D = 3(n+1)/10

What is 5 decile for the following data 


n is the total number of values

D5 = 5(12+1)/10

      = 5(13)/10

      = 65/10

      = 6.5, 6th value is 5th decile.

D5 = 10.

7th decile for the above data

D7 = 7(12+1)/10

      = 7(13)/10

      = 91/10

D7 = 9.1, 9th value is D7

D7 = 15.

Now we will find the 8th decile for group data.

Here the given data. 

How do you calculate decile
How do you calculate decile

First we will calculate class boundaries and class frequencies for the above data.

How do you calculate decile
How do you calculate decile

D8 = L + h/f(8n/10 - c.f_1)

L is the lower class boundaries

h is the class interval

n is the total frequency

c.f_1 is previous c.f of the selected class. 

    =  8n/10

    = 8(30)/10

    = 240/10

    = 24.  This value lies in the 4th class 

so the selected Lower class L = 100.5, h= 5

f = 6, c.f_1 is 20.

Then D8 = 100.5 + 5/6( 8×30/10 - 20 )

                = 100.5  + 5/6( 24-20 )

                = 100.5 + 5/6( 4 )

                = 100.5 + 20/6

                = 100.5 + 3.3333

       D8    = 103.8333