Mode in statistics
Mode in statistics 

"Mode in statistics", share the information about mode data with mode solution and what is simple definition of mode, what is mode definition and example, how do you find mode, characteristics of mode, disadvantages of mode and importance of mode.

Mode In Statistics

The mode of a distribution is the value that is used to describe a particular subset of items in a given dataset. Mode definition and example is that if we look at all items in our dataset, we will see only one item (the majority), and not two or more.

A histogram is the simplest example of a distribution that allows us to define modes. As you can see, it has a large range of values as its minimum value. It also displays lots of different values and different quantities. 

What is simple definition of mode, which is describing as the value which occurs the maximum number of times in a given data set. For example, the mode data is {3,3,3,4,5,6,6}, then the mode solution is 3. 3 is repeated maximum number of times. 

The above example of mode is for ungroup data.

Mode solution for group data.

Mode in statistics
Mode in statistics
Mode is highest value in the data, so 
Fmax = 17,
L = lower class boundary which is 10.75
F1 = previous frequency which is 12
F2 = next frequency which is 14
h = class interval which is 5

Mode in statistics
Mode in statistics 
Put all the above values in formula then 

Answer is 11.06

Characteristics of mode are as follows. 

It is the most frequent value in the distribution it is the point of greatest density

the value of the mode is established by the predominant frequency not by the value in the distribution

what is the most probable value hence the most tropical

distribution may have two or more modes. modes on the other hand there is no mode in a rectangular distribution

the mode is not reflect the degree of modality

it cannot be manipulated algebraically mode of subgroup cannot be combined

it is unstable that it is influenced by group in producers

values must be ordered and group for its computation

it can be calculated when table ends are open.

Advantages of mode is easy to find and mode is not effected by extreme values. 

Disadvantages of mode are mode is not rigidly defined and it's not capable of further mathematical development easily. It's big disadvantage is that it contains only a few members of population, so there will be too much variation in results.

It's an unstable measure as median. 

A data set will be contains more than one mode. 

Mode can't exist in many cases.

Importance of mode as a measure of central tendency when examining categorical data, such as models of cars or flavors of soda or mobile models for which a mathematical average median value based on ordering can not be calculated.