Permutation in statistics
Permutation in statistics

 " Permutation in statistics " includes definition of permutation in statistics with the full concept of what is permutation in statistics and also mention the permutation statistics formula with permutation statistics examples.

Permutation In Statistics 

A definition of permutation in statistics is a technique which is used to find the number of possible arrangements in a set when the order of the arrangements matters. Mathematical problems involve choosing only several items from a set of items in a certain order.

Permutations is mostly mixup with another technique that is combinations. In combinations, the order of the chosen items does not matter. For example, The arrangements ab and bc in permutations are considered different arrangements, while in combinations, these arrangements are equal.

Permutation statistics formula is given below

P(n,k) = n! / (n - k)!

n is the total number of elements in a set

k is the number of selected elements arranged in a specific order

! is factorial

For best understanding about permutation, here is a permutation statistics examples

Find the number of permutations and combinations if n = 12 and r = 2.

Solution of example: 

If n = 10 and r = 4

From the above formula of permutation 

nPr = (n!) / (n-r)! 

       =(10!) / (10-4)! 

       = 10! / 6!

       = ( 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6!)/ 6! 

       =10 × 9 × 8 × 7

       = 5040 ways.